Lina Medina from Peru is the youngest mother of the the world she gets her baby in the year 1933 when she was only 5 years old.She gets her baby by caesarean section which was necessary becourse she was to small to get the baby "the normal way".Her son thought that Lina was his sister untill he was ten years old he was healthy but died when he was fourty becourse of bone marrow. The doctor who made the caesarean section helped her to get educated and get her son though school and after finishing education she worked for him. Later she married a man who fathered her an other son when she was 39.
The youngest mother of the world today is a nine year old chinese girl, her child was born at the first of February 2010.
AntwortenLöschenthis is because the hormones are disturbed
AntwortenLöschenI think this story is very hard and maybe it's a story about child molestation (Kindesmissbrauch) too. Cause I think a 5 year old girl has not voluntarily sex.
AntwortenLöschenI can't imagine why people want to have sex with children.
AntwortenLöschenHow can you get pregnent with five years? :O
AntwortenLöschenYou are not sexuall matue in that age!
Right,I don´t think that this is a correct information.It can´t be!And people,who have sex with children are definitely sick! It gives mental disorders to the kids.
LöschenIt's a very hard story and situation for the baby and the mother. The mother will become sick and the child too, because if they are at school the mother is only a few classes upper than her child!??
AntwortenLöschenI also think that can't be true. With 5 years you aren't productive (=fruchtbar), so I think it's a wrong information.